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Desirable Dietary Pattern for Bangladesh


A balanced diet provides energy and nutrients for optimal growth, development and body maintenance specially in the same way for Diabetic Patients for their glycemic control. Realizing the fact BIRDEM Nutrition Research Team prepared “Dietary Guidelines for Bangladesh”. After that through the Inter Ministrial Core Committee meetings, the guideline approved as a National Guideline for Bangladesh. Honorable Food Minister inaugurated the Publication arranged by a Seminar on 30 June 2016 at Dhaka. The 2nd Edition has already been published.

Training on “Dietary Diversity as an indicator of healthy diets and nutrition: methodologies and application in food security and nutrition (FSN) policies” was held during this Financial Year.  The training is for FSN officials from FPMU and thematic team members from partner ministries of agriculture, fisheries and livestock, health and family welfare and women and children’s affairs. A total of 25 participants attended the training.

Given the expertise in the field of dietetics and nutrition assessment for policy, MUCH –FAO asked BIRDEM to provide a practical session on “Dietary diversity of normal hospital diets” for the trainees for observing and assessing dietary diversity of the diets.


Training of 4th batch on Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics has been completed successfully . 100 participant (PhD, MPhil and MSc Students from Food and Nutrition Field) attended this 7 days training program

Conducted of 7 days Internship of Food and nutrition students ( student no 86) at BIRDEM General Hospital. Certificate giving ceremony was held at BIRDEM Auditorium.

Submitted the project proposal under special allocation of Ministry of Science and Technology  (MOST) of the  year 2017 on STUDY OF FOOD SECURITY, DIETARY DIVERSITY SCORE AND METABOLIC



Materials Development through Diet and Nutrition Department, BIRDEM

Training materials on

Clinical Nutrition & Dietary Management for Normal, with complication and hospitalized patients.

Management and modification of diet.

BIRDEM Provides Dietary Management through Health and Nutrition Education (Lecture, Leaflet, Dietary Advice)



Women and child health


Major Activities


196 women’s groups conducted monthly meetings including community meetings on different maternal and neonatal health issues in 3 unions (Balua, Jorgacha and Vatgram) of Bogra district under the DFID funded Project upto December 2016

To strengthen the primary health care facility at the community level and build ownership, PCP has established links with staff of 10 Community Clinics (CCs) of Faridpur district. In Bogra, under DFID funded project upto December 2016. PCP has established links with the functional 12 community clinics. Women’s group leaders now attend all 12 functional community clinic committee meetings on a monthly basis.  Women’s group members and BADAS-PCP staff regularly made visits to these community clinics.  These opportunities have been used to share the needs of communities, lobby for improvements in service quality and accessibility and gather information to take back for sharing in communities. 



District Managers of Faridpur and Bogra districts attended GO-NGO coordination meeting regularly. The coordination meetings held every month. All NGOs working in those districts attend the meeting and present their activities to apprise the government authorities.

Monitors recorded all deaths during pregnancy up to 6 weeks post-partum and all births and their outcomes (live birth, stillbirth, neonatal death) in three unions of Bogra district upto December 2016. Surveillance Manager also observed some data collection during field visit and provided feedback. M&E team compiled the data at PCP head office. 



A community orientation meeting was held for The Bangladesh D-Magic Trial: Diabetes Mellitus Action through Groups or Information for better Control. D-Magic is a randomized control trial funded by Medical Research Council (MRC), UK at Conference Room, Faridpur Diabetic Association on 13th September 2015. Sardar Sarafat Ali, District Commissioner, Faridpur was present as Chief Guest. Dr. Md. Khalilur Rahman, Deputy Director-Family Planning, Faridpur and Dr. Ashit Ranjan Das, Civil Surgeon, Faridpur were present as special guests.

Arranged two days training for the Facilitators, coordinators and district manager of Faridpur District Office on participatory evaluation.

122 participatory groups (61 male and 61 female groups) conducted meetings including community meetings on prevention and control of diabetes in  32 villages of four upazilas (Saltha, Nagarkanda, Boalmari and Modhukhali) of Faridpur district under D-Magic project funded by MRC-UK.


Facilitators conducted 1342 meetings on prevention and control of diabetes. Arranged 32 community meetings and 10,120 participants attended in those community meetings. Among them 4336 were males and 5784 were females.

4 advisory committee meetings were held in four upazilas of Faridpur district under D-Magic project.


Voice SMS on prevention and control of diabetes were delivered from 21 October 2016 to 8980 mobile phone subscribers of  32 villages of four upazilas of Faridpur district, and is ongoing.

The mHealth survey took place in Faridpur in December 2016. It included 204 participants, 108 of whom were message subscribers and 96 were non-subscribers. The aims of the survey were to find out how the messages had been received, what people thought of the messages, how they responded to the messages and whether they had been shared. The survey was based on the first 16 mHealth messages. The messages included a general introduction, 6 messages about diabetes (what it is, symptoms, prevention etc.), 4 about care-seeking for diabetics and 5 about diet. The results from the survey will be used to inform future messages.